Italian Leather Products Association ASSOPELLETTIERI organized a program for secondary and high schools to help young people develop their manual skills and gain experience in the leather industry. Within the scope of the program, the initiative of young people in career guidance and the importance of craft in the leather products industry were also emphasized.
Orientation training for young people in the leather products sector was held in Science City Naples within the scope of #Orientalife. Campania, located in the southern region of Italy, hosts one of the main leather products regions of Italy, as it is the headquarters of more than 400 companies employing approximately 6,000 people. For this event, students gained experience in knowledge skills in the fascinating process of producing bags by creating a leather products workshop within the scope of this project, which was implemented thanks to the joint contributions of 2 ASSOPELLETTIERI member companies – Guerriero Srl Produzione Pelletteria and Rica Srl – in Campania, in order to attract the attention of students in approximately 300 schools.
In leather products, the master craftsmen of Guerriero Srl Produzione Pelletteria, who will show the main processing techniques with the children and produce some semi-finished products, and the consultant responsible for the training of Assopellettieri, who is also the chief architect of the official presentation event of #Orientalife, Massimiliano Guerrini, took place on 15 November. At the event, he illustrated Assopellettieri’s projects that support educating and attracting the attention of young people about leather products.
The aim within the program is to promote a new vision of the industry that goes beyond the old patterns of work in the store and attracts young people: a fascinating industry that manages to perfectly combine creativity, tradition and innovation, offering the possibility of creating unique products and innovative products. Using artisanal techniques, high quality is conveyed over time, but this also requires significant innovative digital skills.

Claudia Sequi, President of the Italian Leather Products Association ASSOPELLETTIERI, said the following about the project: “According to the latest estimates, around 15,000-20,000 new workers are expected to be needed in our industry in the next five years. Being sensitive to the needs of its companies, Assopelttieri wants to take on an increasingly important role in the field of education. This commitment will not be limited to the support and creation of specialized schools, but will also include orientation initiatives directly in schools, which will not be limited to explaining the world of leather products to our youth, but will be implemented in a completely innovative, inclusive way. To enable the audience to “experience” them through their use and the content we will create specifically. Our industry is the excellence of Made in Italy, the flagship of our country. “As a trade association we have a duty to protect and promote this, and it is very important that companies accompany us on this path, just as our members in Campania have prepared themselves for this occasion.”