Evaluation of leather waste and wastewater in the tannery
The art of leather processing is tanned and made ready by almost the same processes from past to present.
The consumption of chemical substances, whose numbers have reached millions, has increased with the increase in population. In addition to the benefits of chemicals used for a better standard of living, there are serious dangers to human, plant and animal health, and increasing day by day. The number of business lines in which chemicals are used intensively is quite high. One of the most important of these business lines is the leather industry.
To restore the water lost during canning of raw leather, to soften the leather, to remove some proteins dissolved in salt and water from the leather, to clean the leather from salt, dirt and microorganisms.
The document standard applied worldwide for environmental health is a requirement. Because this is the cyclical reaction of living life.
In this cyclical chain, leather has been processed and recycled for human benefit rather than being thrown away as a natural material, and we humans have been doing this since the beginning of human history.